Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Why do men CHEAT?

"Why do men cheat?" is quite an understatement.

I woke up today and reread a status of my amazing wave mate that was related to their controversial talk during our shift last night. And this girl's prodigy is to ask a lot of question which is (let's face reality) "nonsense" (but seems too senseful to her though). Extricating the fact though, there's no way but join the kid's fun.

I replied via comment on her facebook and let my genius words touch her. I came to a point, realizing about my "whys" popping up my mindset that she's indulging herself on a girl-and-boy-kind-of-debate which were all about "Why do men cheat?" and she happens to have a boyfriend.

It was proven, according to my professor of my last semester in OLFU that men have the highest statistics on suicide tendencies because they have weaker coping up of such and certain situations. They have poor mindset of stress-releasing techniques. They don't want the theory of grief, crying about the loss and a lot more that girls do. And yes, at some point its the nature's perception that is not a big deal for men to cheat and give their sacred moments to everybody like its nothing and its the other way around applies to all girls.

I am indeed happy that I am the first serious girlfriend of my beloved boyfriend. I won't let him indulge himself to purposelessly cheat on me.

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