Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Night of thoughts

I am always stoked at the middle of the night, laying in bed, overthinking of unnecessary surreal thoughts at an estimated time between 12am-2am/3am which is quite about myself (Of course). I pretty much love dreaming of my future and it brings me to nightmare at the same time. I hate dark. I hate 6pm-6am. I think,  i sort of having a disorder like phobias of the dark. The feeling of the panicking heartbeat when its dark already that i just hate a bunch!!  Quite an understatement.

Let us talk about a duck. I mean, my upcoming date on saturday which my heart flutters a lot. Cause i am starting to get bored and i really need to catch up fresh air sometimes, I need to get permitted on that day. I just wish i could have a power to convince someone.
(And a duck has something to do with it.. if you know the myth)

Mom will be home a minute now. And we'll sleep altogether again. And my mind will go insane just like the other night and the night that i won't be able to catch zzzzz until 3am. That's scary when I talk about 3am Huhuhuhu!!!

Currently, im on bed now with my 2 pillows and my favorite comforter. Aircondition was on already. Giving me a good ambiance to my good flow of thoughts today. Im using blogaway btw. Tried this many times. You must dare have it on your ios and android too.

Call it a day
Till next blog..

Posted via IOS

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