"You gave me premature ventricular contractions. You make my heart skip a beat."
You have me at my worst time of my life standing firmly enough to take me away. You trail me from him, choosing you perfectly and makes me believe that there's still happy ending waiting for me and we will make it happen.
You don't have to save me. Just hold my hand while I save myself.
I love you and I know how imperceptible it is. Seemingly untrue, sounding like sputtering when it's all fact deep inside. I am drown with so much words to say and it will be very impossible that we will come to in disgusting surfeit after decades together.
When a female is used to getting hurt, she won't know how it feels when a man starts to appreciate her, so she ends up pushing him away.
Whenever you feel like I'm pushing you away, don't bother. I just need someone to listen, hug me tight when I am about to explode. Kiss me on the forehead and love me like it's the end of the world. You know how scared I am right now. I know how my attitude sucks for real and it's not something you'll need to worry. I love you more than I have loved anyone else. Just blame it to the hormones.
We don't get to pick who we fall in love with, and it doesn't happen like it should.
It's fate. We're soul mates.. Friends of friends. Lovers. And see? It's all worth it. We did not learn to choose whom we want to stay with forever. We learned to follow our hearts from what's been said and allow our minds to sense.
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