Wednesday, April 04, 2012

What I could've been in the future?

It's one year or less now before my graduation in college and I'm still thinking about what would I'd be in the future. I'm seeing a status post in facebook from my friends asking if they'll continue their BSN into MD. That's the most common question running through the minds of student nurses nowadays and that also became my reason of thinking twice if I'm going to purse my BSN into MD or to MAN.
I remember I told my mom that whatever happens, I'm not going to work in hospitals. She just told me "Ikaw bahala." Actually, I have many confusing plans in the future. To become an architech is one, next to be a journalist and to be a model? Oh! nevermind the third one but its true. My friend asks me to join an Image model search contest past few days and I decided to join. I sent my name, age, place and my personal number through fb and she must be expecting me to be in Trinoma on sunday to register. But having a strict parent like my mom didn't permit me to take part in the said contest. It must be my chance, but I think it isn't yet the time.
Going back to my future plans, one is to become an architech. Why? I actually don't know the reason though after I've watched One More Chance movie of Bea Alonzo and John Lloyd Cruz, I feel like I want to have my own design of a house someday since I told my mom too of having a house of my own in the near future. Anyway my last future plan is to become a journalist. You know, since high school I have done stories of my own, poetries and many more but I still want to improve those. Whatever plan would be okay as long as I can achieve success and return back the harships they have gaved me  through the years. But making them happy and making them proud of me would be the best gift after all.

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