Tuesday, February 28, 2012

there's always a deep reason behind every girl's feelings

I'm really such a loser whenever we are having arguments about small things with each other which he always tries to end the argument with such a "nonsense" reason why i got angry. He is also more into a literal-ity of every thing that actually ends up with misunderstandings. I don't know when this feeling started. I always die in every seconds it happen. It was like i was teared off by that person into pieces never knowing what i felt over that matter. But, every after our little fights, we still try to  forgive and try to forget what something hurt has been done to the both sides. I'm still in the process of thinking and finding out what's wrong with me or is it just me?
I will tell you honestly that I'm hungry of attention, an attention coming from you. I don't have any idea why I suddenly want it but the fact that i felt like I was always ignored and rejected before was the reason why it made me feel to start looking for attentions. It resulted me being easily hurt whenever you don't reply to my questions, when you don't comment from those I say, it gives me a meaning that I was saying nonsense.
I really don't want to hear negative feedbacks. I hate it. It easily destroy my self-esteem. It just makes me weak. I also hate mean people and bully. They don't have the right to judge unless they were given the task to do so.
I'm weak in explaining certain things because my emotions drives out my thoughts easily.
I hate it when you're not aware in everything that surrounds you.
I actually hate writing long paragraphs, explaining why and why.. just for you to understand me.

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