We've been 18 months together and 17 days later, we'll be celebrating our 19th monthsary. It just so unbelievable how this relationship gone for so long when at first I didn't expect that I'd be in depth of being inlove with this guy more than I used to be when I am with the other guys before.
Anyway, Let's start this blog by defining the word LUCKY? From Merriam Webster dictionary, lucky is a force that brings good fortune or adversity. But for me the word lucky is one of God's blessings. Our luckiness is in our hands. So I guess, don't just base your luckiness on eveything. We are the one making it. If you want to be one of the lucky birds, start making it today, not just today, there's so many time if you really want it, you can have it.
How can you say "You're Lucky"?
Being lucky is when you are getting all the things you want in an instant. Like winning a lotto. Winning a car. Winning 2M in Deal or No deal. Winning from everything in unexpected way.
Personally, I've been lucky for 18 months from having a kind of guy that really really loves me. I'm lucky because he accepted me for what I am and for what I'm not. I'm lucky because I have him. And being the luckiest girl alive, I want to introduce to my parents the reason why my life has changed and my reason of my only happiness.. SOON.
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