Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Another Randomness!

Good morning guys! I already have my account in google plus. so follow me :) :) Anyway, I thought of having summer class last few weeks and I’m thankful that I made the right decision. Going out of the house lately can burn you with above 37.0 degree celcius. Just exaggerating the fact that the feeling can really burn you into ashes. But honestly speaking, this vacation got me very very bored unlike those vacations I had before. Usually our vacation’s duration is about  3 weeks only and now I got and getting very very bored for 2 and a half months to be exact. Aside from making myself busy doing long paragraphs blogs here and in blogspot, I’m also pushing myself hard to review again my first-to-third year topics we discussed with the help of my handouts. I really kept those handouts for future use. This course is really really brain damaging! But I enjoy it a lot.
So it’s 1 year left for me before my college graduation, then review, then quali, then Board exam!!!! Gosh! I’m so pressured! Speaking of quali, Godbless to all of you who took the exam yesterday. I don’t know if it is yesterday or the last day but I’m wishing you all the best guys! Goodluck!
I just want to share this last thing. I almost forgot. My friend And my old friend are finally getting to see each other after all this time. I’m so happy for him! :) :) It really made me “kilig” while my friend(him) told me the story of how it ended like that. SO glad that he made her convince to come with him on the first week of May. I’m a fan for the both of you. Just keep it up! <3

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