Friday, November 11, 2011

"I wish to be happy" my 11/11/11 11:11pm wish.

I still don't know everything. Maybe I was too dependent when I was still young. That's why until now, I blame it all to my parents who have given me an over protection that resulted me being so helplessly alone.
Since I was in high school, I used to be pasaway because in that way I thought, I can express myself as me and live the way I wanted. But I went from being bad bratt and spoiled. My parents usually gave me all the material things I want for the reason that behind all of it, I can obey them with what they want, which is I never thought I can possibly follow.
I remember, I promise I won't be having a boyfriend until I graduate college. I was young and immature when I said it and maybe single that time or probably heartbroken. I can't remember.. and now, I'm starting to regret it.

I don't know why I can't live without someone to inspire me a lot. Not just to inspire me but I also want to feel the love I once look for both of my parents and anyone in the family.

Nothing's big deal with that and I don't know why they're so angry with me having a boyfriend. I just need someone to make me happy. They don't understand how much i needed it.

Thinking of resolving this problem will be my grades. Maybe, I can pursue what I want if they can see me working hard at school. That's the only way I can do for now.

I'll gonna be happy someday, soon.

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